Toy Throw Game

Basket Throw Toy Game

Basket Throw Toy Game

This simple fun game assists in developing hand-eye co-ordination. Show your child how to throw their natural rubber toy gently into the air and then catch it. Younger children can do a very gentle throw; older children can throw just above head level.
Increase the challenge by introducing a hand clap between throwing and catching. (ie throw, clap, and catch), or a one handed catch for older children.
Remember this is a game, so it doesn’t matter if your child continuously drops their toy, praise them when they throw their toy, and whether they catch or drop the toy, practise will improve their skills, but having fun is so much more important.

Alternatively, gather the sensory toys together, put a laundry basket a short distance away and take turns throwing the toys into the basket, once your child gets good at this game, you can move the basket further away to increase the challenge of getting the toys into the basket.

A simple safe fun game to play with your child or children but with so many possibilities…

What games do your children like playing?


Related: Natural Rubber Teethers / Sensory Toys Eco Bath Toys

Handmade Christmas Card Activity


Christmas idea’s

Encourage your children to get involved with this activity, as mentioned yesterday making a Christmas card for others says to them you are loved and valued enough for me to take the time to make this special card for you.

You’ll Need…

  • Coloured A5 card
  • Glitter
  • Glue
  • Christmas stickers / Christmas wrapping paper / last years recycled Christmas cards
  • Cotton wool
  • Scissors

What To Do…

Fold you A5 piece of card in half (you can use the card horizontal or vertical). Have your child cut out the pictures from the wrapping paper or recycled Christmas cards; if you have really young children then it may be easier for them to use the stickers. Place the pictures onto the card and once you’ve made a nice design glue them down.

Next put random spots of glue onto the card and stick small pieces of cotton wool onto the glue leaving some glue spots and then shake some glitter over the card, leave to dry.

Once dry depending how old your child is, help them to write the card.

Check in with us on Friday for instructions on making Gift Tags with kids.

Here’s a Christmas Elves Working Colouring printable.


Joanne – Kimbee

Related: Natural Rubber Teethers / Sensory Toys Eco Bath Toys

Toy Throw Games

Basket Toy Throw

Basket Toy Throw

These games help to develop hand-eye co-ordination.

We have found combining throwing games with Kimbee sensory development toys, children can really benefit from using the Natural Rubber  toys as they hit all the 5 senses: Sight, Sound, Taste, Touch and Smell, giving a child’s brain full stimulation.

Laundry basket (or box) throw game; gather the sensory toys together, put a laundry basket a short distance away and take turns throwing the toys into the basket, once your child gets good at this game, you can move the basket further away to increase the challenge of getting the toys into the basket.

Show your child how to throw their natural rubber toy gently into the air and then catch it again. Younger children can do a very gentle throw; older children can throw just above head level.

Increase the challenge by introducing a hand-clap between throwing and catching. (i.e. throw, clap, catch), or a one-handed catch for older children. 

Sit or stand opposite each other and throw at toy to each other, if you have young children or a child struggling with catching, show them to hold their arms out, and stand quite close to them, giving them a greater chance of catching the toy.

Alternately, just practice throwing because many children struggle with letting the toy go or with throwing the toy in the intended direction they wanted to go in.

If you don’t have natural rubber sensory toys, then soft plush toys work well. 

Simple safe fun games to play with your child or children but with so many possibilities…

What games do your children like to play?

Hey, would you like access to our colouring pages of our cute little toy characters? Sign up to our Kimbee VIP Club today, and receive much more!  Keep your little ones busy.

Fun Colouring for you...

Fun Colouring for you…

Joanne – Kimbee

Related: Natural Rubber Teethers / Sensory Toys Eco Bath Toys